Q: What does SESV stand for?

A: Software Engineering at Silicon Valley.

Q: There are so many classes and tutorials already, what's the difference?

A: Two points. One, we believe you can become really good at something if you have a great foundational knowledge of it. That's one important point that separates SESV tutorial from the rest. We believe that putting an effort on explaining the fundametal concepts as easy to understand as a 10 years-old can, will greatly benefit your long term career development. Think about you want to build a great big, tall tower, you'll need a strong, deeply rooted foundation. Two, content of the class is the minimum must-have of a 1 year experience software engineer. All interview questions are there.

Q: 10 years-old?

A: Yeah, that's how clear and easy we'll try to make the courses to be. Explaining complicated concepts is no trivial task. We aim to solve that problem here too.

Q: Who's behind SESV Tutorial? And why you are doing this?

A: We are a group of experienced software engineers who are based in Silicon Valley and work in notable tech companies in the area. Our companies always have difficulties in finding enough quality software engineers. We know it's the common issue in the area as well as around the world. With our experience and expertise, we can help to fix the issue.

Q: How to be successful using SESV guide?

A: Watch, read, practice and repeat the practice. Practice 3 times is the rule of thumb. If you watch or read something, practice it at least 3 times, it'll become yours. We emphasize on practice because if you don't, you'll easily forget. Only when you write the code which explained by the tutorial, you'll really understand and remember.

Q: How much time does it take to be a good engineer?

A: It varies with individual learner. For avarage, it takes an additional estimated time to be 3x the time you spend to watch or read. So totally, around 4x the time you watch or read. E.g. if learning subject video is 15 minutes, it's estimated to spend 60 minutes on the subject to be good at it.

Q: It's free to learn. Do you guys only need to breathe air and drink water to survive?

A: (laugh) We want to make it available and reachable to everyone. That's why it's free. No quality content can be produced without money.